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Information Technology

Information Technology

Educational Services









"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."
- Albert Einstein

Staying abreast of new developments in information technology can be a daunting task. The scale of sophistication in electronic information processing is increasing exponentially. Quantifiable business advantages can be achieved by embracing the latest technology but doing so is often not easy. The sheer complexity of modern IT is overwhelming to the average business owner. You need a partner that has the skills and resources to make sense of it all for you. AkzoNobel, in conjunction with our distributors, are that partner. Let us help you navigate the IT landscape.


Estimating Consistency - Documenting Damage
While our Estimating Consistency - Documenting Damage course isn't necessarily IT-specific, it will introduce you you to several IT-related industry tools that enable collision repairers to write the most effective repair plans by capturing all relevant operations and parts per OE repair standards.

While Carbeat, our digital production management tool, isn't an educational course, we do conduct onsite training for your employees during implementation of Carbeat in your business.

To register for scheduled in-person training classes or for online training, please visit